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Keker & Van Nest & Peters


Keker & Van Nest & Peters


Law Firm Planning and Design, Building Renovation​


San Francisco, CA


84,000 square feet

The office relocation for the law firm of Keker & Van Nest triggered a number of base building modifications to their new home - a brick and timber building originally built as a paper warehouse in 1906. The large floor plates and historic fabric attracted the client to the site, but also presented design challenges: Consistently matching building features such as door frames and vestibules, adding stairs, or accommodating an all-hands conference room on an upper level.


Sharon Risedorph

On the ground floor, retail space was transformed into a conference center and the firm’s main lobby. A series of conference rooms are framed in 20’ tall structural glass panels to expose brick and sandblasted wood columns. The panels retract to create a single space for larger meetings or entertaining. Throughout the building, new light fixtures, elevator cab interiors, and reclaimed floors create a more contemporary look while respecting the structure’s scale and rustic properties. Outside, a new entry canopy, exterior lighting, paint, and signage complete the building identity.

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